Watch HOPE's short film 'Voices from Ethiopia'...

In this thought-provoking 20 minute film, you will witness the intimate stories of families living with and without clean water from many of the villages HOPE UK has recently raised funds for. Two rural families in southern Ethiopia graciously invited cameras into their homes and shared their personal stories with us. Told through the voices of the families themselves, the dramatic contrast of the have and the have not comes through in a powerful yet hopeful way, as we witness the amazing transformative power of clean water.


and the follow-up film 'HOPE Around the World'

Due to your generosity, the village of Kalebo Laka also gained access to clean water in December 2016.  Do watch this follow up film that returns to Kalebo Laka to see the changes in that community as a result of HOPE's investment.  

In addition, there are two additional stories - from Bangladesh and Cambodia - also following up the contribution that HOPE's sister organisations around the world have raised funds for.  

Do watch these intimate portrayals of the dramatic transformation of three families in a 'before and after" storytelling style.  

Donate to bring clean water to more families like this one in rural Ethiopia.

A donation of £366 will bring clean water to one family for life.